Transparent, Information Rich Network
There is so much to know about taking care of your pet but this information is spread out across different online and offline platforms. For example, if dog lovers want to know what ingredients go into their dogs’ food and what is its exact nutritional value, where do they look? This often creates unnecessary stress for pet owners, especially new owners to look for validated sources of information.
Via DogLibre we can create an engaging community where unbiased information is shared among expert users to allow pet owners to make the best decision regarding petcare. From puppy training to care for geriatric dogs, we have verified users who can share legitimate knowledge on this platform.
Our community of petcare industry experts and dog owners will be rewarded in various ways when they contribute information regularly to our platform. To ensure the validity and accuracy of our community members’ content, our core team aims to collect and analyze reviews from various sources through our DogLibre platform and use deep learning to enhance the overall community.
Members can also help vet and rate the usefulness of reviews and pet care information. Pet owners can decide whether they want to share or monetize any form of private pet data before it is released to third parties like researchers, pet products, and service providers.
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